Friday, November 5, 2010

Animal Forms for Later

Just in case you can't find it, here is the animal form we must fill out if we wanted to use the pig legs-
I'm not sure if there are any other forms to be filled out, I'm assuming this is it. If you want, take a look at them and see the different things we'd have to do before we could actually use the pig legs. It's definitely nothing we can't accomplish by next year so keep it in mind!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Bromelain- a danger to proteins everywhere

The research plan is finally written! Just giving everyone an update: because we can't test pig legs for the science fair, we have changed our focus to meat tenderizers and evaluating how effective they really are. The enzyme we're specifically working with is Bromelain.

Because I'm not gonna be able make it tonight...

here are some links I found-

In general, I don't think we could correlate Bromelain anyway to obesity, mainly because it's a protein enzyme. Even though it's processed, it doesn't have anything to do with causing obesity.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Ballistic Gel Ordered

I ordered the gel today, should be there on Nov. 4th.  Here is the tracking information:

